Hi, I'm Ryan Painter — a Full Stack Developer and UI Designer. I specialize in developing engaging web experiences. From dynamic backends to intuitive user interfaces, my goal is to bring innovative ideas to life.


Connect with me: paintersrp@gmail.com


In 2021, my journey into web development began with a Kaggle Machine Learning challenge, sparking a deep interest in Python and data analysis. This quickly expanded into a fascination with the entire web development spectrum. I ventured into JavaScript/TypeScript and the NodeJS ecosystem, honing my skills in API development and front-end design. Embracing frameworks like React, Svelte, and Vue, I've developed a diverse and robust skill set, allowing me to craft comprehensive web solutions.

This portfolio is a testament to my self-driven journey. It showcases a range of personal projects , each reflecting my dedication to creating functional and visually appealing digital experiences. Although I haven't yet ventured into a professional corporate setting, my work demonstrates my commitment to web development and eagerness to innovate.

When not immersed in coding, I indulge in my love for TV shows and movies, exploring various genres for relaxation and inspiration. Live music and comedy also play a significant role in my life, offering fresh perspectives that fuel my creativity. These interests, while distinct from my professional pursuits, enrich my approach to web development, infusing it with unique insights and a well-rounded outlook.

  • JavaScript
  • TypeScript
  • Python
  • Rust
  • Java
  • React
  • Svelte
  • Vue
  • Express
  • Koa
  • Django
  • Flask
  • Wordpress
Machine Learning
  • Regression
  • Forecasting
  • Deep Learning